

Love Does

This post isn't really about art, but it's definitely about life.  My new favorite book is Love Does, by Bob Goff.  And my new favorite cause is Bob Goff and friends' Restore International.

Read the book. It's awesome! Purchase the book through Restore International and all the proceeds go to this cause.  You can also buy a goat here. What's not to like?


Brother Prairie Dog Goes to the Beach

I'm so pleased to announce that Brother Prairie Dog Goes to Town, my first book to illustrate, is now being sold at a beautiful book shop in Neptune Beach, Florida, called The Bookmark!

If you're in the mood for a trip to the beach and would like some reading material, stop by and visit Rona and her friends at their lovely store. They are as close to the beach as you can get without actually stepping in the water and they'll even direct you to the best local eating spots!

Hope to see you there!



I really like Seth Godin's advice.  It's short, sweet, and to the point. And it makes sense.  I subscribe to his blog email updates.  Here's the latest:exhaustive-lists-as-a-reliable-tool-for-unstucking-yourself

Rejection? Whoa!!

Yes, it's the R WORD!  When I started down this path....the trying to actually earn a living with my art path....I heard tell of this monster what would (yes, I meant to type "what would")...anyway, I heard tell of this monster what would be lurkin' in the darkness...waitin' to pounce on unwitting victims.  It's name is


No matter how much people try to prepare you for this monster, it still hurts. 

It's bad bad bad bad ba-a-a-ad, right?

OR, could there be something good good good gooooood about it?  After wrestling, thinking, and reading about others' rejection experiences, I'd actually say there's a whole lot of good that can come of it.

SO here are my *drum roll, please*

Top 10 Reasons Rejection Can Be Gooooood:
  1. It helps us examine where we can improve, then
  2. We fight to improve
  3. We don't have an over-inflated ego (& who wants that?)
  4. We can console others who are going through the same thing
  5. It redirects us to the path we need to follow
  6. We fight to improve
  7. We go "back to the old drawing board" and learn, then
  8. We fight to improve
  9. We learn to be patient, because, maybe the world just isn't quite ready for our next great thing, but eventually, maybe they will be, and, along the way,
  10. We fight to improve.
Are you sensing a pattern, here? 

So, give the R WORD a chance. Embrace it. It's going to come at some point. Many absolutely amazing artists were rejected an astounding number of times before encountering their one big break.  But, if they'd quit, they never would have met with that break.

So, as Dory would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming........."


Featured Artist? Whoa!!

Another update, which is very exciting for me, is being the current featured artist on a wonderful website called !  Nelson and Seri really like my silly birds, in particular, and have been kind enough the invite me to share a couple of pictures and some info about me, as well as linking to my websites.

Thank you, again, inkspokes crew!! Check out their site (link above).  It rocks!

New Portfolio

Okay, ya'll, I'm sorry I haven't posted in sooooo long!  I've been busy trying to "get my head in the game" and update my portfolio, open an etsy shop, apply for arts get the picture.

It's hard enough to do all that (not to mention dealing with the rest of life, eh?) AND keep up with social media and blogging, so a few things dropped.

Here's one update: I have a new online portfolio called wendycillustration.  I hope soon to upgrade this to my own address.

Another update coming next......................